2º Internacional Meeting of Phyisiology SPFis - Seminar I - Teaching Physiology

Seminar I - Teaching Physiology
Friday – 11th of November
Seminar I – Teaching Physiology
- Moderators: Vicente Martinez Perea -The Spanish Physiological Society and Carlos Nunes Filipe – Nova Medical School
- “Human Physiology in the Portuguese higher education system – a current view” L. Monteiro Rodrigues et al., CBiOS Lisboa, U.Lusofona
- ”Clinical Physiology in Portugal – a recent history” Telmo Pereira, ESTeSC, I.P.Coimbra
- “Novel pedagogical tools in the teaching of medical physiology – is new always better?” Diogo Santos Ferreira, Dep. Surgery and Surgery & UnIC@RISE, Fac. Medicine, U.Porto
- “Human vs. machine learning: enhancing student metacognition via the active learning of physiology” Jorge Ascenção Oliveira, Dep Pharmacology, Fac. Pharmacy-U.Porto
- “Implementation of physiology and pathophysiology teaching in a novel Portuguese undergraduate medical curriculum” André Leite-Moreira, U.Aveiro Dep Medical Sciences
Round table and open discussion